8/27/2003 09:18:00 AM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Somehow I did not post that World Famous Nina was proposed to by her longtime boyfriend, and my friend, David. She said yes, obviously. They are setting a date in the summer of 2004. I am very excited and happy for them. If that was not enough to be excited about, David called me last night and asked me to be a groomsman! I am excited and floored by this. David and I are good friends, and I am absolutely honored that he counts me as a close friend to stand up with him. (Note: Excited is used 4 times in this post because the thesaurus is broken in word on my machine.)|W|P|106199393118228777|W|P|Excited!|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com8/27/2003 09:11:00 AM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|One would think that I should be posting like mad now that I am retired, but I have been pretty busy. I have been catching up on some reading, but the majority of my time has been taken up by moving. I am moving about 4 blocks away, but all of my stuff has to be thrown into a box, put in my car, and lugged up to my new apartment on the third floor. Yesterday I moved just 6 boxes, but was absolutely soaked afterward.|W|P|106199350397782781|W|P|Where have I been?|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com8/23/2003 03:36:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Today I receive a Notice of Violation from the City of Chicago Department of Revenue. The city claims that I have an outstanding parking violation. I disagree, sort of. I do not deny that I received a parking ticket, on the day at the time where the notice states. However I paid the ticket. I wrote a check, put it into the envelope that comes with the ticket, placed a stamp on it, and mailed the Monday after being ticked. I looked online in my bank account and turns out the check was never cashed. During my vacation I will take a trip downtown and pay in person, just to make sure.|W|P|106167097400451573|W|P|I am in violation|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com8/23/2003 03:07:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Yesterday was my first day of unemployment. I went into my former employers Chicago office. I returned my laptop and its various accessories. I also turned in my badge, AmEx card, change of address form, and confidentiality form. My first act as unemployed was to try to become employed again. I emailed my resume to a couple recruiters that are looking to fill positions where I would fit in great, if they were not looking for folks with 4 years experience. It is curious how recruiters are looking for folks that have more general experience than I do, but for the specific technologies that they are looking for I have as much experience as any one else. I know, I know there are other non-technical skills you learn from working, like leadership. I am confident in my leadership skills as well, but I know that there is no way to convince a recruiter that a 23 year old could lead a (non-sports) team. In the afternoon I interviewed at a company in the north suburb of Northbrook. Before driving out there I did not have any intention of working there. I greatly prefer to stay in the city. The drive out there was not bad, around 45 min, but this was at noon. The interview went well. I started to think that this could be a good job. I would be coming in at the beginning of a new development project. Help with analysis and architecture. One big draw back was the significant reduction in vacation time. In total I thought it was a real possibility I would want to work there. Then I drove home. The 45 minute drive there turned into 105 minutes back. I am sure that much of this was just Friday rush, and other days are better. Also I am sure I would not be leaving work at 3 pm. However, might want to leave at 3 pm on a Friday or some other time when traffic is crazy and my only options would be to sit in my car watching the gas gauge go down as the circulation in my legs started to stop. I was reminded that I prefer to set on the bus and let someone else drive me around while I am reading or annoying other passenger by talking on the phone, then sitting in traffic watching my car depreciate. The search continues.|W|P|106166922146207676|W|P|Last Day, First Day. This Day, New Day.|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com8/19/2003 08:30:00 AM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|What this story leaves out is that Al-Qaida is also the name of a power company in Ohio.|W|P|106129984362321585|W|P|Al-Qaida says they cut the power.|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com8/12/2003 10:12:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|If the high temperatures in Barbados where less then that of London this week would that mean there is global warming or global cooling. This is a great article that talks about that a much more. It is not very technical and a great read. In other word everyone, yes even you, should read it.|W|P|106074433855635839|W|P|Global what-ing?|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com8/12/2003 10:04:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|This is a great reminder of what this country is, by looking at what it is not.|W|P|106074387402437587|W|P|The Bill Of No Rights|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com8/12/2003 09:49:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Saturday, my best friend Corey married his long time girlfriend Sarah. It was a beautiful ceremony. It was outside at Billie Creek Village (think mini Colonial Williamsburg). I am very excited for them and wish them the best of luck as they venture together in this new phase of their life together. As I told them on Saturday, I pray that one day I will be able to find a woman that I want to commit my life to and who will want to commit her life to me. (The last part will probably be the harder of the two.) Pictures! Somehow Brian, fellow groomsman, never made it into a picture where he is recognizable on my camera. But I do have: The new Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Jason and Corey, and Jason and myself. |W|P|106074299837063477|W|P|Wilson Wedding|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com8/07/2003 10:29:00 AM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Today I was planning to announce my intention to run for governor of California, but I am not. Like much of America, I was amazed that Arnold Schwarzenegger announced his candidacy. I am throwing my full support behind Mr. Schwarzeneeger.|W|P|106027014272977225|W|P|Californication|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com8/06/2003 09:36:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|This is one of the most touching things I have read:
Bubby I just want to say that I am very proud of you! You weren't happy with your career and so now you are doing things to change it. I hear people complaining all the time about not being happy in their jobs, and the truth is they are the only ones that can change it. And you are that person changing yours...it's great!! As you should already know you are always in my prayers and I'm sure God will see you through all of this and help you make the right career choice next!!
|W|P|106022377536073227|W|P|My sister is the greatest!|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com8/06/2003 09:31:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Chicago's own Roger Ebert has cancer....again! First Siskel then Ebert, then Ebert again, can Richard Roeper be to far behind! Perhaps the balcony needs to be closed for asbestos abatement!|W|P|106022348641944083|W|P|What is wrong with the balcony|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com8/06/2003 09:13:00 AM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|On Monday, I emailed the closest Vice President to me in the chain of command, John. He is in charge of the Chicago Hub; at least that is what it was called a few months ago. Monday was a waiting game. I was not sure what would happen after I emailed my resignation. At the end of the day, I received an email from a Principal, Jeff. Jeff is fairly well known in the Chicago office. Almost everyone has worked on a project that he has managed. He is also my Responsible Manager. That is an HR term, but I have been trying to figure out what it means for the last 4 months. Jeff wanted to talk. Jeff and I talked yesterday on the phone. It was a 25 to 30 minute conversation. He understood that I had thought this through and made up my mind. He said the purpose of the call was not to talk me out of it. I do not doubt that, but I am sure that John would have liked it if he could have. We talked about why I was leaving. I said the primary reason was that I want out of consulting. Which is true, but the reason I want out of consulting is all of the crap that the company has to put its employees though. He also asked about things that I would have changed about the company. I told him about my ideas of making programmers efficient company wide. I also said that the company should fight harder for the workers and not force them in to unworkable situations, the situations that lead to lawsuits. Jeff also wanted to know if the company was what I expected when I started. I know that it was going to be hard work, because it was hard work when I was an intern. I felt a little more appreciated as an intern though. My first major project had me working 10 to 12 hours a day 6 to 7 days a week for 3 months. Only one person with a title ever acknowledged that we were working hard. This is not what I expected. I told Jeff the least someone could do is be to send an email saying that the company appreciated what we were doing. That would still end up coming up short because there is not quantitative incentive for working like that. Before leaving work last night, I told my team lead that I was leaving the company. I rather assumed that he might have been told by them. I just wanted to tell him personally because I have nothing against him. He had no idea though. He was dumbfounded when I told him. I am sure he was running all of the numbers through his head. Already short staffed, with pressure coming from every direction to get more and more work done. He did not flip out and was cool about it. I think it is down hill from now on. Mostly clean up tasks before I am out. I am not trying not to slack off too much at work, but it is hard to not slack off a little. |W|P|106017920652623192|W|P|Timeline|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com8/05/2003 01:14:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|The post below seems like a good way to find out who is reading this site! I encourage everyone to ask questions or send me encouragement. Moreover, because I will be unemployed cash is always appreciated. :-D Nina, yes the world famous Nina! asks if I have found another job already and what it is? No, I have not found another job. Yes it is that bad at my soon to be former company. The work they are doing is not what I want to do. I am looking for another programming job, but not in consulting. I would like to work for a software development firm or as part of an internal development team at a large corporation, like a bank or insurance company. If I do not find a job, I am going to work for myself as a freelance programmer and general computer nerd. Keep you questions coming; posting will keep my sister happy. |W|P|10601072749220268|W|P|Who would have thought?|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com8/05/2003 08:38:00 AM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|As I said below, I have not had a lot of time to post information. So yesterday, I took steps to clear my schedule for posting. Step One: Quit My Job. Seriously! I gave notice yesterday that 21 August 2003 would be my final day.|W|P|106009070429923006|W|P|Making time|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com8/05/2003 08:34:00 AM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|My sister IMed me a couple days ago, woried about me. I asked here why, and she said that i had not posted anything in two weeks. I agree with her, that is wrong! So, Dana here is a post just for you. :)|W|P|106009048683516066|W|P|New News|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com8/03/2003 09:27:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Nina herself has created a good Nina website. I still like this one.|W|P|10599640291170152|W|P|New Nina Site|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com