6/30/2003 04:18:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Programers Words To Live By|W|P|105700793667691566|W|P|Truer words have rarely been typed.|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/30/2003 03:48:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|I have added my r�sum� to the site, under random on the right. Currently, I am not looking for a job, but if you have something to offer the best Software Engineer you will ever meet, shoot me an email.|W|P|105700609114434867|W|P|You want to hire me?|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/30/2003 02:39:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|A study has been completed that found that it is possible for aborted fetuses to one day provide eggs to be used for In Vitro Fertilization. This would mean that someone could be a mother without ever having lived! Our abortion laws are based on the belief that the fetus is not alive. I think this is wrong, what miracle happens when you come out of the womb that makes you more alive than you were before, but science has some guidelines for determining when something is alive or not. One of these guidelines is the ability to reproduce. Although it is tragic that these people had to be aborted for the study, maybe their sacrifice will be used to promote the fact that they were alive!|W|P|105700198015625467|W|P|How can you give life if you never had it?|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/30/2003 01:35:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|The Great One proves me wrong. There is a good reason to comment on the passing of Ms. Hepburn. The Great One, Jonah Goldberg, pointed out on The Corner we should all compare the picture of Britney Spears and Katharine Hepburn on The Drudge Report. Ms. Spears may have less clothes on, appear younger, be smiling, and in color; but I would take an elegant and beautiful Ms. Hepbourn type any day. In addition, to throw another great woman into the mix with a similar name, I have long believed that one of the most beautiful and elegant women ever is Audrey Hepburn.|W|P|105699812700247713|W|P|Where have all the ladies gone?|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/30/2003 10:03:00 AM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|I would normally not mark this occasion, but The Today Show informs me �the world is mourning the death of Ms. Hepburn. The whole world! Does that include all 1 billion Indians? Al- Qaeda? The Children Dying of AIDS in Africa? Me?|W|P|105698543058833764|W|P|Katharine Hepburn Dead at 96|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/28/2003 11:21:00 AM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Broadway has been decorated. On the streets and in the shops and offices the new flags have been unfurled. There is a gay feeling and rainbows the air. It is that special time of year again in the neighborhood.|W|P|105681726058012320|W|P|Lake Veiwers have PRIDE!|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/27/2003 11:22:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Honestly I have no idea how CBS News operated before the girl arrived! The has produced even more excellent work.|W|P|105677413248213816|W|P|Nina AGAIN!|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/27/2003 11:02:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|I have been stereotyped! I received junk mail from the Christian Seniors Association, which touts itself as "America's Christian Alternative to AARP!" And I quote from the included "2003 National Survey of Christian Seniors,"
Dear Mr. Tomaw, We specially selected you to represent the Chicago, IL area in the poll because your past activities indicate that you are a Christian senior American who is well-informed on current issues.
I am Christian, as my activities would indicate. I am American, as my birth certificate, license, and passport attest. I am well informed, as my subscriptions and internet usage show. But I am not a Senior! I am 23 years old! What am I doing wrong?|W|P|105677292171621526|W|P|If it walks like a duck...|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/27/2003 04:58:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|This is why the Great One is the Great One.|W|P|105675109066854131|W|P|The Great One!|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/27/2003 09:13:00 AM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|With Sen. Thurmond and Sir Thatcher dead, a third must be coming soon to fulfill the trilogy. Look for an elderly retired political figure to pass within the day.|W|P|105672322103434408|W|P|They come in threes.|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/27/2003 09:09:00 AM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|The husband to one of the finest ladies to ever grace humanity has died.|W|P|105672295969020521|W|P|Sir Denis Thatcher dead at 88|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/26/2003 10:11:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|The 100th year was his last. I will never forget watching C-SPAN2 once and Sen. Thurmand telling some young turk of a Senator to "talk into the machine." "The machine" was the the microphone, which the late Senator likely remembered being installed. Here is a tribute to his life.|W|P|105668348175669890|W|P|Strom Thurmond has died!|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/26/2003 09:13:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Ramesh Ponnuru, from The Corner, points to this great article from Tech Central Station about the comming "natural gas crisis." It sounds, and kind of is, boring, but the most important things in life usually are.|W|P|105667999753650042|W|P|Passing Gas|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/26/2003 08:59:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|My friend Zach sent me this guide to EOs. In a time when the Supreme Court is transcending its boundaries, it is nice to remember that the Executive (aka President) has some boundaries, at least today.|W|P|105667917880003996|W|P|A Frank Guide to Executive Orders|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/26/2003 12:58:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|I have added a new news link to keep track of the crazy schemes that my US Rep. is up to.|W|P|105665032577703435|W|P|Keeping Track of Rep. Schakowsky|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/26/2003 12:31:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Hey, I have turned on titles. If you notice a little extra space between all of the old posts, it is because all of the posts now have titles. This is nice; the problem is that I was hacking title before, so the old posts have blank titles.|W|P|105664868333211647|W|P|Title Test|W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/26/2003 12:26:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Downstate Watch! This man must be seriously mentally ill, or plain evil!|W|P|105664839891561971|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/24/2003 10:01:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Jaycob if you please. I despise the non-standard Anglicization of Yaakov. However, I was dutifully reading Mr. William F. Buckley Jr.�s On the Right columns in National Review and came to the article from 16 May 2003. It is titled "Even at the Times" and is about Jayson Blair�s plagiarism and how it was able to occur. The part that tickled me was, �Anyone born Jason who became Jayson, entered the world with a little swagger.� I could show off my swagger a little, so what do you think of Jaycob Tomaw? Perhaps I will go with Jaycob Dan-el Tomaw to add a little Middle Eastern flavor. |W|P|96002101|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/24/2003 09:08:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Well I did it! I am not very pleased with my results, but I passed the Java Certified Programmer Exam today. I earned a score of 73%. I wanted to do better, but I was well over the minimum passing score of 52%. I am going to take a little time off from studying now. Then I will be looking into what certification I should work for next. I will also be reading up on the areas where I scored poorly. I am looking into Threads and Garbage Collection specifically, this will hopefully result in over compensate and I will become an expert in those areas.|W|P|96000694|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/23/2003 03:54:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Be Safe When Riding the L 'What are the odds?' Train tied to 2 deaths in 3 days|W|P|95958331|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/23/2003 11:48:00 AM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Bombing in Africa hits home In April, I reported that a friend from high school, Heath, was being deployed to Africa. Sunday there was a suspected friendly fire attack during an exercise in Djibouti. I am told that the unit that was attacked is the unit to which Heath is deployed. Heath was not injured but one of his direct superiors lost his leg from the knee down. Always remember to keep our service people in your thoughts and prayer. You do not have to be in the front lines or carry a gun to be working to protect the Republic. Accidents will happen, and the Marine that died did so protecting us.|W|P|95950769|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/22/2003 04:41:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Ticket to Ride Arrives The Secretary of State of the United States of America hereby requests all whom it may concern to permit Jacob Tomaw to pass without delay or hindrance and in case of need to give all lawful aid and protection.|W|P|95924694|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/22/2003 03:53:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Lemonade Permit A neighbor turned in a little girl for selling lemonade without a permit. This story is a little old, but still a good read. Here is what Rush had to say about the story.|W|P|95923787|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/22/2003 03:11:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Nina's Tribute Site Every beautiful young journalist has to have a fan site! So, a tribute has been created to the lovely woman and her growing body of work. This will be a running list of all the information with which Nina has graced the world. The newest item in the tribute is a story about Andy Rooney receiving the Ernie Pyle Lifetime Achievement Award. Rock on Nina!|W|P|95922914|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/21/2003 11:15:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|The other Football Yesterday I want to Sportmart to buy a soccer ball. There was a whole wall of them, just like there is for footballs, basketballs, and baseballs. I imagine that if you put microphones in any sporting goods section the number one uttered phrase would be, �I just want a ball.� They had two sizes, 4 and 5. I did not want a kiddy ball and the boxes said that 5 was the official size. That narrowed me down to half the wall. I had picked up one ball but was not sure if it was good or bad. A salesman walked up and I ask, �If he knew anything about soccer balls?� I assumed him to be a typical American and have no idea. Instead he answered that he was a big fan of soccer, in an Irish accent. He pointed out the balls that he owned, and then ones that they did and did not have back home in Ireland. He also recommended a ball that is not sold in America. I went with a yellow Nike ball. |W|P|95908153|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/21/2003 01:38:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Tragedy on the L This is a couple days old, but still noteworthy. The Sun-Times also follows up with a story about L platform safety.|W|P|95897818|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/21/2003 01:18:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Got Soy? Last weekend I planted four soy beans that I had gleaned from a field near my mother��s house last fall. I planted them in the little pot that was using for my house plant. I planted them in some Miracle-Gro potting mix.. Yesterday when I came home there were huge! They are over 20cm (8in) in length today, and they have grown about 3cm (1in) in the last day. They were all pointing towards the window that is near my table, so I turned them. Every time I look at them they are bigger! These beans are easily going to be a foot high by the Forth of July. I cannot imagine what would have happen if I had planted corn! I cannot imagine what they will be like next week. (Note: The three plants are facing the other direction because they had a close encounter of the Soccer Ball kind.��)|W|P|95897407|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/21/2003 12:48:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Flying Snob Report I returned home to Chicago, Mayor Richard M. Daley, yesterday. While I was standing in line to print my boarding pass I recognized a face in line behind me. It was a U.S. Senator, but I could not recall his name. I was sure it was Democrat because I was sure that I usually change the channel when he is on the TV. When I returned home I looked him up and he is Sen. Byron Dorgan (D- ND). He was traveling with his prototypical political family, a lovely wife and two pre-teen children, one boy and one girl. From studying the people around him and who interacted with him, I think that I may have been the only person that recognized Sen. Dorgan. It made me a little sad. I imagine that Pres. Bush may be the only person in the Federal government that could not travel unnoticed if you removed the people that travel with them. People would probably recognize Vice Pres. Cheney, Sec. Rumsfeld, or Sec. Powell but not enough to cause any trouble for them. As we progressed through security, which took some time because Dulles was very busy on the rainy day, I continued to keep an eye on the Senator. I was pleased to see that no short cuts were taken for him. He had to travel like any other American. Sen. Dorgan did not check his bag, you know how I feel about that, and he must have had nail clippers, a fork, or some other dangerous weapon in his luggage because it was searched and something was seized. We both boarded the same �people mover� to go to Terminal C. They went left and I went right. Taking all this information into account I believe that they were taking United Flight 1065 to Denver International Airport and then United 6810 to Bismarck Municipal Airport. I had the joy of traveling with a Girl Scout Troop from Charlottesville, VA on my flight. Although they did a lot of talking during the flight it was not clear where their final destination was. They talked about future flight to and from Seattle, San Antonio, and Mexico. I learned two things while traveling with them. First, this flight was a first for one of them. She nearly hyperventilated during the take off. One of the other girls comforted her that it was an unusually rough take off, but I thought the take off was very mild. What was reaffirmed for me is that the key to a pleasant flight and a whole lot of other things in life is to just embrace that there is a lot of things going on that you do not know and no matter what you do nothing will change it. Second, Sears Tower is the big black thing by the lake. |W|P|95896786|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/19/2003 03:50:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Target crashes Tupperware's party Target was selling to many units, and it turns out that Tupperware ripps off it's sales people at the parties more then Target allowed itself to be ripped off.|W|P|95839779|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/19/2003 02:16:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|1,2,3 Where could the 727 be? In Angola, A Jetliner's Vanishing Act. This is pretty interesting, but I have not heard anything about it in the media. I only happened to hear Rush mention it.|W|P|95837184|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/18/2003 04:52:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Ralph Nader/Vicky Barker Syndrome My rant on Cingular is published!|W|P|95805633|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/18/2003 04:08:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Nina's new material This interactive is a companion to A story featuring Christopher Walken tonight on 60 Min II.|W|P|95804377|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/18/2003 09:47:00 AM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Grrrrrr Right here should be a post telling you about a rant I wrote about Cingular. However, Blogger does not like long posts, and I did not save my data anywhere before trying to post it last night. My 1000+-word rant was lost. I was able to cry myself to sleep and all is better now. I will be rewriting it today, work permitting.|W|P|95792017|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/17/2003 09:15:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Be a Matador Today, The Motley Fool had an article in part about an interesting tool from Deloitte Consulting. It is called Bullfighter and is an add-on to MS Word. It helps you convert your writings that are full of jargon and confusing words (a.k.a. bull) into concise, readable documents.|W|P|95775221|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/17/2003 09:07:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|A bright red pigment consisting of mercuric sulfide Today I was checking on the happenings in Vermillion County, and came across this interesting story. There is one problem with the story. It is not about Vermillion County at all. It is about Vermilion County! I promptly emailed the author and told her that Vermillion County is in Indiana and Vermilion County is in Illinois. I encourage you all to do the same. Note: I have added a link for quick checking of Vermillion County news on the left under news. There is not much action on the wire, but it is something to keep and eye on. Even with one new story a week it has more news than the Herald News. |W|P|95774991|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/16/2003 09:53:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Jacob�s Jams People are always asking me, �Jacob, what are you rocking out to these days?� My current favorite disk if Elephant by The White Stripes. This is the greatest album I have heard in a very long time. Every one of the 14 tracks is a rock solid hit. This is awesome rock and roll in a classical sense. Jack White�s tunes remind me a lot of later British Invasion style of music, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, and such. I also recently bought the new album from Audioslave. This is a modern alternative record with more emphasis on guitar. I bought it for one song that has much radio play, �Like A Stone�. I really like this one song, and the rest of the tracks are ok. I would not buy the album again, but I will force my self to listen to it and pull my $14 worth out of it. |W|P|95738888|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/16/2003 09:34:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Great Deal from United Buy Three. Fly Free. Is a new promotion from United. It looks like a good deal. It is a super deal if your work requires you to travel every week, you earn points for that travel on your own Mileage Plus account, and you do not have to redeem points or free tickets for business travel. :-D I am good on all three. I think I may be able to earn two free round trips from this! |W|P|95738369|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/16/2003 09:29:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Yawn I returned to NoVa again this morning on the early 6am flight from O�Hare. I was a little late to the airport this morning. The bag checking E-Ticket machines require you to check in 45 min before your flight, 5:15 for me. I was at the machine at 5:17. I used the non-bag checking machines to print my boarding pass. I then checked my bag at the gate. When I arrived at Dulles, I assumed that because my bag was the last one placed on the plane it would be the first one on the carousel. Nope, it was not the last bag, but it was somewhere in the middle. At work, I had to change offices again because the person whose seat I was sitting in for the last two weeks returned. The seat I am in now, I should have until my project moves to a different building in a couple weeks.|W|P|95738208|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/16/2003 09:16:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Date Saturday I had a date in Indianapolis.|W|P|95737804|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/16/2003 09:12:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Last weeks highlights Wednesday, I played soccer for the first time. Sure, I have kicked around a soccer ball before and in Jr. High PE, we all ran around a football field pretending to play soccer. This was with a group from work. About 20 people are playing. It is just a friendly game and is a lot of fun. I am looking forward to this week. Justin and I are defiantly the novices of the group. Thursday, Justin learned that he is no longer going to be the Chi-mate. The transfer to HQ that he requested has been approved. In typical Justin fashion, he is finding many faults in this change. The assignment officially begins 1 July. He will have to live in two places for two months because our lease does not end until 31 August. We were already planning to move because of a rent increase, this will allow me to take full control of moving. I am looking for a place closer to the L and probably farther north. Friday, I safely returned home to Chicago via United.|W|P|95737701|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/16/2003 08:58:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Option -v = true Sorry. I have not been very verbose lately. I had been good posting at least some mindless drivel every day. Last week I was busy?, no that is not it, detained by the authorities?, no that is not it, lazy! Ding Ding Ding we have a winner.|W|P|95737311|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/12/2003 09:02:00 AM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|New Interactive by Nina My friend Nina, who is interning at 48Hrs, wrote this interactive. It is based on the topic of last nights show, Rich Kids. I especially like the part with the Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen! Hey looks like tomorrow is thier birthday, but only 17 boys!|W|P|95589764|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/09/2003 10:11:00 AM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|This sure is not going to make the 10 people that go to IU Football games happy.|W|P|95466759|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/09/2003 10:05:00 AM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|It is political... ...But I do not think it is correct. All women�s collage removes 'she' and 'her' from their constitution and student government documents.|W|P|95466546|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/05/2003 11:46:00 AM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|If a Space Shuttle leaves Earth traveling at 500 mph... ...and a piece of foam weighing 1.67 pounds hits it wing, how long will it take NASA to discover the damage?|W|P|95333522|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/05/2003 11:40:00 AM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Man catches computer... ...in convenient fish form! |W|P|95333258|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/04/2003 08:50:00 AM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Cubs win, but does Sosa cheat?|W|P|95283066|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/03/2003 01:32:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Style Changes I added some links on the right. I also lowered the font a couple points. Enjoy!|W|P|95247762|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/02/2003 09:52:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Back in NoVa Today I arrived safely back at work, thanks to the friendly skies of United. I shared those skies with a bunch of rowdy teenagers, a sure am glad my friends and I were as well behaved then as we are today. This flight completed my 7657th mile with United, only 18521 more miles needed for Premier Status. I took illegal ground transportation from Dulles. If you fly into that airport, you will hear messages that you should not accept solicitations of transportation from unauthorized drivers. If you do take a taxi, you will see that Washington Flyer has a monopoly on the ground transportation from Dulles. You even have to take a taxi to the nearest Metro station. Today, after picking up my bag, a man asked if I was going to take a taxi. I said I was and he offered to drive me. I felt like living dangerously so I went with him. He did not drive a cab, but a nice town car. The fare and tip ended up being about $5 more than what I would have paid Washington Flyer. I did not have a problem with the fare because I am going to be reimbursed. In the future, if I am approached I will be sure to negotiate before handing over my bags. |W|P|95218807|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/02/2003 09:35:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Nina is in New York My good friend Nina has made the big move to New York. This summer (and beyond) she will be working for the hit CBS news magazine, 48 Hours! I know that NYC is a safe place now, safer then Chicago, and it is probably just too many Law & Order episodes I have memorized, and I know that she could kick my butt. All the same, I am worried for her in the big city. I know she is going to do great at work and before long, she will be running the place and telling Dan Rather what to do!|W|P|95218126|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/02/2003 09:20:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|Congratulations David, a co-worker and friend, proposed to Ambika, his girlfriend of 5 years, yesterday at the Cubs game. She said yes! They first met during a game at Wrigley Field. It is to bad that the Cubs could not pull out a win for them.|W|P|95217621|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/01/2003 08:19:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|To tell me about a spelling or grammar error email me at jacobyoustupitidiot@tomaw.com.|W|P|95170936|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com6/01/2003 08:16:00 PM|W|P|Jacob|W|P|YAKS would have been illegal in Illinois! This statute makes any fraternal group illegal in government schools. Zach says there is equivalent law in Indiana. |W|P|95170832|W|P||W|P|jacob.tomaw@gmail.com